Thursday 19 April 2012

Court delays Bangladesh tour to Pakistan

Bangladesh's proposed tour to Pakistan will be delayed for at least four weeks after a Dhaka court ruled that the decision to tour the country must be justified because of security concerns.
Bangladesh were due to tour Pakistan - the first team to do so since 2009 when the Sri Lankan tour bus was attacked by gunmen - from April 29-30.

However, the Dhaka High Court has ordered a four-week suspension of the tour and ordered Bangladesh's cricket authorities to justify a visit to a region still considered to be highly volatile.

The decision comes after a university teacher and a Supreme Court lawyer submitted a writ petition to the court, challenging the Bangladesh Cricket Board's right to send the team to Pakistan.
"We told the court that the Pakistan tour would risk the lives of our cricketers," Hassan Azim, lawyer for the two petitioners, told AFP. 

"Pakistan is not a safe place for an international sports event. No other international teams are travelling to Pakistan. Why should Bangladesh go? The decision was imposed on the cricketers."

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